In 2022 I worked as part of a great team with James Stringer and Jira Duguid to produce artist and quantum physicist Libby Heaney's ambitious work 'Ent-'. The installation at Schering Stiftung used Unreal's nDisplay plugin to map the realtime environment onto all the walls and floor of the space.
My roles included:
-Developing the interactive elements of the installation, from experimenting with controlling the exhibition via tensorflow using the openpose library and OSC to producing a version of the work that can be controlled by the viewer or performed by Libby with a controller, synced across 8 projectors.
-Writing shaders for unreal which used vertex offset to animate elements of the environment - some according to quantum formulae.
-Developing a streamable version for a panel discussion which used the Off World Live plugin to stream video of the panellists (remotely) into the environment and the stream video from Unreal to Youtube.
-Researching and implementing nDisplay.
-Working with the AV team to plan and install the work physically.
-Animation and 3D modelling work.
The work won the Lumin Immersive Environment Award.